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Bee Removal

Type & FAQ

Simplify Your Bee Removal Process with Us

Specializing in honey bee removal, our team utilizes a unique skill set, years of expertise, and specialized tools to make the process straightforward for you.

We understand that bee removal can feel daunting, but with our experience and proficiency, we ensure a smooth and safe removal every time.

With three removal methods, tailored to your specific needs; whether it's a residential or commercial property, we customize our approach for optimal results.

Contact us today to learn more and schedule your bee removal. Let our team handle it efficiently and safely, so you can enjoy a bee-free environment without the stress!

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Simple Swarm Collection

When it comes to swarm collection, you can trust our team of experienced beekeepers to safely remove and relocate any wild honeybee swarms. We specialize in the ethical collection of swarms and are dedicated to preserving local bee populations. Wild swarms only stay in one place for a few hours, or maybe a day, but they move fast, so contact us for our team to help.

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Cut-Out Removal

Our cut out service is designed for situations where an established hive needs to be removed from your property. Our team will safely remove the bees and their comb, and thoroughly clean up all the honey and wax left behind. We can also perform the necessary repairs to leave the space looking brand new.

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Trap-Out Removal

We understand that sometimes bees build hives where we can’t access them. If you have established hives in an inaccessible area, like chimneys, stucco walls, or tree trunks, you might need a trap-out removal. Our expert technicians specialize in this kind of bee removal, which can take weeks or months to complete depending on the size of the hive.

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